Friday, November 24, 2006

UsEs & GrAtIcAtIoNs ThEoRy

Uses and Gratifications theory assumes an active auidence, where individuals have differing reasons for consuming texts

Blumer and Katz (1974) suggested a series of possible reasons why audience members might comsume a media text:

Diversion- (escape from everyday problems and routines)

To escape for my normal routine, i'll watch a film or series to keep my mind off things. For example, i watch films like 'Goodfellas', where i aspire to be like characters and the lifestyle they live, yet never want to carry out the things they do. Similarly, i watch 'Prison Break' as it diverts me from routine and allows me identify with different people in different situations. Sometimes i imagine myself in the same circumstances of the characters and how i'd respond

Personal relationships (using the media for emotional and other interaction)

I don't consume the media for emotional interaction. I mainly consume the media for humour and to escape my normal routine. As said, i'd watch a film to picture myself in a differnt lifestyle, and also to expand my knowledge and understanding of different genres. However, i also consume print texts such as football and cars magazines to newspapers to expand my knowledge on personal satisfactions as well as to keep updated on current affairs

Personal Identity (Constructing their own identity from characters in media texts, and learning behaviour and values)

As said when consuming media texts such as films and genres such as 'gangster'. I aspire to be like character but only in my imagination. For example, i won't watch 'Scarface', then go out and become try to build a cocaine empire but i would subconciously dream of such a life-style. However, when reading print texts and viewing news material, that in some ways affects the way i present myself. For example, i oppose racism, thus when entering a non-ethnic community i aware of my isolation and keep myself to myself in order to stay clear of stereotypes some people associate with Asians

Surveillance (Information gathering, e.g. educational programmes, financial news)

Majority of the media i consume i to gather information and expand my knowledge on current and world affairs. For example, i reguarly read newspapers and watch news reports, in order to enhance my understanding of different activities around the world. Furthermore, this enables to understand world conflicts and how this may affect me, e.g. UK involvement in the 'War on Terror'. I view news to ensure that terror alerts on the UK are low because i'm aware that my personal safety could be potentially threatened through terrorism etc.

Denis Quail suggested a more detailed breakdown of audience motivation:

Information: finding out about relevant events and conditions

As said previously, i do consume media in order to find out about issues both current and worldwide. I also consume some texts to counter my curiosity. For example, i'll watch 'Ross Kemp on Gangs' because it broadens my horizons on the way different societies are haunted in different countries. Then it allows me to compare how and where i live to that of other people.

Learning: self-education

Similar to information, i consume media texts to futher my knowledge of world affairs. For example, i been keeping up-to-date with the recent battle between Rupert Murdoch and Bichard Branson over the take-over of ITV. This way it enhances my knowledge of the media and to why potential takeovers could affect me and the way i may consume texts on ITV in the future.

Personal Identity: Finding reinforcement for personal values

As said before, some media texts such as news reports affect the way i think and approach issues but never the way i present myself and model myself. For example, a few years i praised David Beckham as a footballer and the skills he possessed and the way he played football. However, as he changed hair-style etc i would never go out and want the beckham 'mohawk' etc. I enjoy consuming texts in an aspirational sense and to imagine such lifestyles yet i never see myself imitation and modelling my behaviour based on another individual

Integration and Social Interaction (Gaining insight into circumstances of others)

I enjoy consuming media texts to gain an insight in to different cultures and ways of life. For example, i reguarly watch documentaries on issues, from Iraq to culture. In this way, it allows me to understand where different ideologies come from. E.g. i watched a documentary on the war in Iraq and how the tensions intensified between 'Sunni' and 'Shia' muslims. Prior i had no knowledge of the civil tensions in the country yet now i'm aware of the sensitivity of the issue and how it affects different people. In this way, im able to engage in sophisticated conversation about issues not directly related to me, allowing to integrate with different ethncities

Entertainment (escaing, or being diverted, from problems)

My main reason for consuming texts is to be entertained. Whilst, i enjoy expanding my knowledge and being educated my main reason is to sit back and enjoy. For example, i watch 'Friends' and this enables to be to let all my worries be gone and for me laugh and be humoured. Furthermore, i enjoy watching football as it provides entertainment and it's an emotional attachment to the club i support. E.g. whenever i watch Man Utd play i'm tentative, on the edge and at the same time engaged in the match, with all my troubles released and no worries

Saturday, November 18, 2006

EfFeCtS tHeOrY

Dictatorial control of the mass media over a passive audience


  • Left-wing theorists challenging the actions of Nazi Germany
  • They realised Hitler manipulated people- indoctrinated propaganda in to the publics mind


Demonstrates the effects of the mass media on their audience

  • Mass Media – injects – Audience (passive) – with- Values and Ideologie
  • Mass media- Controlled by the ruling classes – hegemony – dominant ideologies (prevalent in advertising)
    People blame the media – leads to- ‘moral panic’ – leads to- children censorship – moral majority


    While a single text does not have much effect, repeated exposure will make the audiences less sensitive (desensitised)
  • Has less of an impact
  • Desensitised- doesn’t have same impact
  • Effects can change with time


    Assumes a more active audience, who will discuss media texts with each other
  • Media does influence but the audience is active

My View On Effects Theory

My views on the effects theory are similar to that of Marxism. I agree, that there is a sense of dictatorial control over a passive audience. For example, we as an audience view what is on screen and usually succumb to the propaganda and information given to us. Its only recently, that students have been introduced to these tactics of the ruling classes through the growth of media studies. Furthermore, media moguls influence people in more ways in one, e.g. Rupert Murdoch not only owns FOX TV but SKY TV and 'The Sun' newspaper as well as 'MySpace' thus spreading hegemony throughout. However, i do agree with the concept of 'two-step flow'. Increasingly, media consumers are becoming more active and aware of what they view and discuss the implications of things rather then settle for what's presented to them.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

WoMeN iN aDvErTs

Engineered to move - Levi advert 2002

This advert presents women as equal to men. The advert itself is quite strange in that the woman and man seem to be doing inhumane things. The ad challenges inequality in the media and society as a whole as the women is doing everything the man can. Thus, their both viewed as equal and the product appeals to both males and females as Levi's is not disregarding either gender. Woman can be viewed as strong and dominant doing everything a man can, and maybe even better

Friday, November 10, 2006

wOmEn In AdVeRtS

Lisa Snowdon - Nivea Advert

This advert presents quite a stereotypical image of women. The women is semi-naked selling Nivea products. It can be said that she has qualities of 'to-be-looked-at-ness' as she is the main focus of the ad. However, it can also be said that she is selling a female product thus this image she's presenting could be used in an aspirational context for other women to want to be like her

WoMeN iN aDvErTs

can women park cars?

This advert presents quite an interesting representation. The advert challenges the stereotyoes that men are better drivers than women. In the ad, the women defies the male jibes that she cannot park and perform quite a heroic parking manouver in order to shock her the males. This advert is effective and different as it presents a role-reversal with the female the dominant sex showing the male and challenging old stereotypes

Sunday, November 05, 2006


What Is Pluralism?

Pluralism states that the individual has freedom to consume whatever they prefer, pluralist ideologies allow for different viewpoints in media texts which can lead to conflicting ideas.

  • audience are able to choose from a wide variety of cultural optiuons
  • individual has freedom to make choices about what text to consume
  • media is seen as the fourth estate
  • no hegemonic message

Fourth Estate:

the role of the media is seen as being that of the fourth estate, whose role is to keep the public informed about what is happening in each of the other three (government, legal system and the church)

Why Am I Pluralist?

I am pluralist because i agree that the individual has the freedom to consume and interpret texts in which ever manner they choose. However, a Marxist theory can also be applied in the sense of hegemony as the media is controlled by the ruling class. For example, going back to Rupert Murdoch he controls FOX in the US and SKY in the UK thus controlling what the public view and he also owns 'The Sun' thus influencing peoples opinion through his. I agree that the media acts as a Fourth estate as it has a sort of duty to keep the public up-to-date on the ruling classes sort of.

I would probably consider myself more Marxist then Pluralist because Marxist ideologies are very much more present in society however pluralism can also be applied


What Is Marxism?

A theory of of socialism which states that the oppression of the working class by the "nobility". Marx argued that capatalist society is divided into two social classes:

1) The Working Class- sell their labour
2) The bourgeoisie (the establisment/ruling class) - Own the means of production and employ the labour (proletariat-masses)

Althusser identfified the ISA (Ideological State Apparatus) whereby the media maintains the class divide in society

Audiences are interpreted by media (put in our place) and accept this as 'common sense)- cultural myths- Barthes

What we see in the media nd the representations are hegemonic: reinforce dominant ideology

Gramsei came up with the concept of hegemony- Dominant ideology of the ruling class

Why Am I a Marxist?

I am Marxist because i agree that we live in a captalist society as we sell ourselves to the bourgeoisie. There is a definit sense of hegemony as media moguls such as Rupert murdoch have a sttong-hold over the public and sub-consciously impose their views in society. For example, he owns FOX TV in the US as well as SKY TV in the UK thus American ideologies come through SKY and Sky News. However, i do believe that humans have their own line of thought and can make decisions for themselves independantly from the ruling classes

Friday, November 03, 2006

wHaT dO yOu ThInK oF mY bLoG?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Madonna on BBC2 to defend adoption

Jeevan Vasagar
Wednesday November 1, 2006

After launching her media fightback on the Oprah Winfrey show, Madonna gave her first British interview over her controversial adoption of an African baby yesterday, to Newsnight's Kirsty Wark.

In a recorded interview to be broadcast on BBC2 tonight, she is expected once again to round on her critics and deny that her celebrity played a role in expediting the transfer of the baby, David Banda, from an orphanage in Malawi to a new life in the west.

Human rights groups in Malawi are still threatening to take the singer to court, claiming she bypassed laws against adoption by non-residents. A court hearing on their application to block the adoption is due to be heard on November 13. The case has sparked fierce debate over cross-cultural adoption and the west's attitude to Africa. Aid agencies have urged people not to follow suit but to concentrate on helping children within their communities.

There was fresh controversy yesterday as the boy's father, Yohane Banda, criticised Madonna's claims on the Oprah Winfrey Show that David was abandoned at the Home of Hope orphanage and never visited by his family. Mr Banda told Closer magazine: "This is not true. I used to cycle there almost every week to play with him, and his grandmother would sometimes go and spend a few days there.

"David was not an abandoned baby. He was very much loved."


This article relates to Madonna's recent adoption of a Malawian boy from the African country. She has recieved criticism for supposedly abusing her celebrity status in order to adopt young David, despite it being illegal. The article states Madonna's defence to all the claims made against her on the Oprah Winfrey show and BBC 2 in the UK. Furthermore, the debate has be re-ignited with the young boy's father strongly opposing Madonna's claims of rejection/neglection towards the boy.


In my opinion, people have been too quick to jump on Madonna's back and criticise her. I fully understand that she may have broken international rules, there for a purpose, however her intentions were clearly right in that she was looking to provide the young boy with a better life. However, i oppose the supposed lies she's told about the conditions the boy lived in and think that she should adhere to rules and procedures in place. To resolve the issue i think the father and Madonna should discuss the life of young David and whether he will return to Malawi in the future and the father reportedly agreed to. Aid agencies need to highlight the rules and procedures to adoption.
X Factor leaves the dancefloor

Jason Deans
Wednesday November 1, 2006

The X Factor is bowing out of its head-to-head ratings battle with Strictly Come Dancing, after coming off second best for the past few Saturday nights.

But this is likely to be bad news for BBC1's Robin Hood - by shifting back nearly an hour to a 6.35pm start time from Saturday November 11 and running through till just after 8pm, The X Factor will go up against the corporation's medieval drama instead.

ITV1's peak time schedule will be bolstered further from Monday November 12, when I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! returns for a new series, launching with a 90-minute show from 9pm.

Meanwhile, Sky One has confirmed it will begin broadcasting the third series of Lost later this month, with a double bill of episodes on the evening of Saturday November 18.

But after six episodes, Lost series three will be taking a break from Sky One, returning for the rest of the run in February - a scheduling pattern adopted by the show's US network ABC, and which the UK channel has little choice but to follow.

ITV1 is shifting around its early Saturday evening schedule by swapping The X Factor with Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, which is currently broadcast against Robin Hood from 7.15pm.

From Saturday November 11, Millionaire is to be scheduled for an hour from 5.35pm, pitching it against Strictly Come Dancing.

On the same night All Star Family Fortunes, fronted by Vernon Kay, is in the ITV1 lineup following The X Factor at 8.05pm.

BBC1's early Saturday evening lineup remains Strictly Come Dancing from 5.45pm, with Robin Hood taking over at 7pm and The National Lottery - 1 vs 100 scheduled at 7.45pm.


This article relates to the rivalry between ITV's 'The X Factor' and the BBC's 'Strictly Come Dancing'. It states that 'X Factor' has been losing in the recent rating wars with Strictly Come Dancing coming on top. Furthermore, it states that as a result X Factor is to reschedule with X Factor going head-to-head with the BBC's Robin Hood series leaving Strictly Come Dancing to rival Who Wants to be a Millionaire? in an attempt to increase the ratings


In my opinion, the recent ratings reflects a slump in public opinion towards the X Factor. To begin with, it was seen as a great oppurtunity for aspiring singers but now it's viewed as an money-generating series solely responsible for gaining ratings. Furthermore, it highlights the success of the BBC whom were criticised with Fame Academy attempting to rival X Factor and now they have found Strictly Come Dancing with has been an instant hit.